Results for "Ireland"
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Dr. Aiken's interests are focused on reproductive health and span several disciplines, combining backgrounds in biomedical science, demography, public health, and public policy.
Modern architecture, architectural history, architectural education, organic design, Frank Lloyd Wright, history of ornament, methodology, advanced design studio, history of landscape architecture, history of city…
Lance Bertelsen's research centers on eighteenth-century literature and popular culture in Britain, America, and the Pacific. He is the author of The Nonsense Club (Oxford, 1986), Henry…
Kate Catterall is a designer and educator who was graduated from the Glasgow School of Art in Scotland with a terminal degree in transdisciplinary design. She is currently a design researcher and practitioner in…
17th-21st century American and British theatre, dramaturgy, queer performance, LGBT archives, American food history
Rhetorical education (e.g., speech, writing, performance, ethics) of Barbara Jordan, Houston's Fifth Ward, African Americans in the South. History of rhetoric, especially 18th- and 19th-century, in the UK and America…
British and American modernism; the novel; drama, especially Shakespeare; international programs and faculty governance and academic freedom
Professor Hunt's research focuses on the relationship between technology and physics in the 19th century, and particularly on the interaction between theory and practice in the Victorian telegraph industry. He is…