Dr. Jane Simpson Gray is a psychologist and the Director of Behavioral Health for the Texas Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Childhood Obesity. She is also the Director of Psychology Training at the Texas Child Study Center, and a clinical assistant professor in the Educational Psychology department at The University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Gray received her doctorate in school psychology from The University of Texas at Austin. She completed her doctoral psychology internship at the Children's Hospital Boston and postdoctoral fellowship at Judge Baker Children's Center, Harvard Medical School, where she studied the dissemination of evidence based practice for children’s mental health and specialized in training mental health professionals in best practices.
Dr. Gray is is active in the Children's Hospital Association's Focus on a Fitter Future group, a national focus group of 25 pediatric obesity programs. She serves on the American Psychological Association’s obesity guidelines development panel to create clinical practice guidelines for health professionals. Dr. Gray's research interests focus on effective intervention strategies for youth with obesity. Dr. Gray has developed and implemented novel behavioral approaches for youth and their families as they work together to achieve a healthier weight and lifestyle, including an adolescent group program called Teens Empowered for Exercise and Nutrition (TEEN) program.