Marlone Deshaun Henderson
Research Interests

Broadly speaking, my program of research has one major objective: to understand the role that basic cognitive processes play in promoting social harmony. Specifically, most of my research explores how situational factors that shift individuals’ thinking to a lower (more concrete) or higher (more abstract) level can have important consequences in the domains of 1) social conflict, 2) social judgments, and 3) prosocial behavior. My work employs a combination of laboratory and field designs, both of which emphasize experimental procedures that allow for causal interpretation of data. A second, defining feature of my research is that most of it seeks to have an immediate, practical impact on society, while staying grounded in a strong theoretical foundation. Indeed, I subscribe wholeheartedly to Kurt Lewin’s suggestion that “There is nothing so practical as a good theory”. Much of my research draws on social-cognitive theory, which posits that individuals can think about or construe objects and events at different levels of abstraction. Throughout my career, my research has explored how individuals’ construal level can change when they mentally go beyond the “here and now” to form judgments and regulate their behaviors.

My lab is always looking for undergraduates to join as research assistants, regardless of experience level. Contact me ( if you are interested in joining!

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