Higher education/student success, diversity and social justice, women's issues, school-based social services
Before coming to UT Austin, I had prior experience working at settlement houses in St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, including supervising social work interns; as a school social worker; and working with Head Start staff on Native American reservations in preparing them for their child development associates (CDA) certification. After directing child welfare projects in child abuse, adoption and foster care through the School of Social Work, I became the director of the School's BSW program and taught in the BSW, PhD and MSW programs, also supervising PhD students teaching BSW courses. After 18 years as a faculty member and administrator at UT Austin, I moved to the University of San Antonio where I served in a variety of administrative programs, including Vice Provost for Undergraduate Programs, Vice President for Student Affairs, Provost, and chair of UTSA's social work program. I worked directly with many students and student organizations in a variety of capacities, oversaw faculty research, and participated actively in student and faculty recruitment and retention programs. After retiring from UTSA, I returned to UT Austin as an adjunct faculty member, teaching in the BSW and MSW programs. Student success at all educational levels has always been my passion. I live in Arlington and teach online so contact will need to be primarily remote.