Animal Adolescence

This project is ongoing.

What is adolescence and what animals have it?

People have been studying primates in the wild for a good portion of the last century. Now there is a lot of information out there, giving scientists an opportunity to detect patterns to infer evolutionary patterns. However, a major challenge is compiling high quality data from different studies into a single database. 

Dr. Sandel is working with several collaborators to compile a database with information on primate traits. This involves searching for published articles, making sure the study is high quality, and entering this information into a database (e.g. Excel).

Students will learn the importance of primary sources, and get an introduction to primate behavior. More advanced students will also have a chance to develop their own question that they can address using the data the team compiles.

  • Search the literature for scientific, peer reviewed articles 
  • Save and organize PDFs
  • Transfer data into Excel files 
    • age at sexual maturity, age full body size, age at first reproduction


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