Artificial Intelligence for Parking Lot Monitoring

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Finding parking spots in urban areas poses a significant challenge due to the high density of vehicles and limited parking infrastructure. The competition for available spaces is intense, with drivers often spending considerable time circling neighborhoods or searching for open spots in crowded lots. Additionally, the unpredictability of parking regulations and the prevalence of restricted or metered parking further complicate the process. This constant struggle not only leads to increased traffic congestion but also contributes to driver frustration and reduced efficiency in urban mobility.


Python, machine learning, data analyses, app design

Project Timeline

Oct. 2024 - Sep. 2025

  1. Collect image data in parking lot
  2. Literature review on the state-of-the-art parking sensing technologies
  3. Develop machine learning algorithms to estimate available parking spaces
Typical Time Commitment
10 hours/week
Desired Length of Commitment
One year


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