"Aztec Sky Stories" is aimed at creating a comprehensive database of primary and secondary sources that address how Aztecs painted and wrote about happenings in the sky (constellations, comets, eclipses) and how these were tied to ritual and everyday life prior to the 16th century and after Spanish invasion in 1521. Eventually, these will be paired with fieldwork among Nahua people today (native speakers of Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs).
The undergraduate researcher should have an interest in Indigenous narrative and/or Indigenous astronomy. They should have the ability to:
- carry out directed database searches
- enter information in simple excel spreadsheet
- cite and describe primary and secondary sources
- scan sources and/or request "get a scans"
- follow directions
- complete work in a timely manner
February 15, 2024-August 15, 2024
- carry out directed database searches
- enter information in simple excel spreadsheet
- scan sources and/or request "get a scans"
- cite and describe primary and secondary sources