Call for Research Assistants for Whole Communities-Whole Health (WCWH), a UT Grand Challenge

This project closes on March 31, 2026. Applications are due by March 30, 2026.
  • NOTE: We are currently hiring for summer and fall 2025

Whole Communities Whole Health (WCWH) is an interdisciplinary research study aiming to better understand how numerous different health factors impact child and family health over time in East Austin. Through collaboration with families in East Austin and over 23 departments at UT a comprehensive cohort study was created to generate knowledge and technology to highlight community strengths and garner investment for issues families care about. WCWH is putting out a call for volunteer research assistants to help with recruitment, enrollment, and data collection activities for the study. RAs will gain valuable experiences across disciplines and work with families to broaden their understanding of both research implementation and impact. The project is looking for individuals who are interested in community-based research and can volunteer 5-10 hours a week. This position starts off as volunteer and transitions to course credit. Students will have the opportunity to receive an undergraduate research course credit for two semesters that they are involved starting this summer if they have completed PSYCH 1 and 30hrs of coursework. Additional credits beyond that may also be possible. 

Link to application:


Required skills: strong communication skills in writing and speaking, experience working with young children, basic working knowledge of Excel, Word, and Microsoft Powerpoint. 

Desired skills (not necessary but nice to have): Spanish speaking, prior experience in community-based research and/or organizations, has family or lives/lived in Del Valle or surrounding areas of East Austin. 

Project Timeline

This is a 5 year cohort study. Students can be involved for as many semesters as they choose. We encourage students to be involved for multiple semesters and welcome those that want to be involved for a longer period of time. 


Research assistants will be involved in the following types of research activities: 

•Recruitment – speaking with families about the study 

•Enrollment – assisting with enrollment processes such as: consent form review, basic needs assessment, smoke alarm checks, and research device setup and instruction 

•Data collection and entry – RAs may partake in some data collection activities such as collecting saliva samples, dust samples and water samples as well as entering the needs assessment surveys into REDcapsoftware

•RAs will also assist with drop-offs and pick-ups of samples collected 

Typical Time Commitment
5-10 hours/week
Desired Length of Commitment
2-8 semesters


The Office of Undergraduate Research recommends that you attend an info session or advising before contacting faculty members or project contacts about research opportunities. We'll cover the steps to get involved, tips for contacting faculty, funding possibilities, and options for course credit. Once you have attended an Office of Undergraduate Research info session or spoken to an advisor, you can use the "Who to contact" details for this project to get in touch with the project leader and express your interest in getting involved.

Have you tried contacting professors and need more help? Schedule an appointment for additional support.