Diffusion models have become the most successful way in recent past to sample
from a given distribution. One of the most notable implementations is DALL·E from Open AI,
which generates images based on a prompt. In mathematical terms, the problem is to sample from
an underlying distribution from which we only have samples. This projects aims to simulate these algorithms and create a control algorithm for robotics based on these ideas.
NSF fuding might be available to pay time invested in the project.
Qualification: Pro-efficiency in Python.
Preferred Qualifications: Experience in Stochastic Differential Equations and Partial Differential Equations.
1st month: Understand and Implement the Vanilla stable diffusion algorithm.
2nd month: Prototyping a stable diffusion based control algorithm for robotics.
3rd month: Write report for publication.
Simulate several related algorithms to Stable Diffusions, and understand hidden biases in the generative process.
Prototype a control algorithm for robotics using Stable Diffusions.