This project is an NIH funded randomized pilot clinical trial (R01AG051588), that is being conducted in long-term care settings and private homes. Nighttime agitation is a prevalent symptom in persons with Alzheimer’s disease related dementia (ADRD). Effective treatments are absent due to our limited knowledge of its etiology. We hypothesized that restless legs syndrome (RLS), a common neurologic sensorimotor disorder of uncomfortable leg sensations that appear at night and interfere with sleep, might be a cause for nighttime agitation in this population. The purpose of this randomized controlled trial is to determine if RLS treatment reduces nighttime agitation and improves sleep.
Fluent in English, and fluent in Spanish is a plus. Excellent verbal and written communication. Interest in Alzheimer's disease, neuropsychiatric symptoms, sleep, pharmacological interventions, gerontology. Seeking experiences in the research process and willing to learn new skills. Dependable and clear communicator.
This is a 5 year project starting from 2017, and it will last to March 31, 2022.
Assist with recruitment activities Conduct observational data in nursing homes Enter and check data in Redcap Assist with publications Involve in other research-related duties as assigned