Research Experience for Undergraduates in Mineral Physics Laboratory at UT Austin

This project is closed.

The mineral physics lab at the Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences is seeking motivated undergraduate students to work on a number of interesting research projects. The research will be supported by a number of internal and external grants. In particular, Dr. Lin has active NSF Geophysics funding to provide supports to these research activities. These projects generally involve conducting high pressure-temperature experiments in the diamond anvil cell in the mineral physics lab and synchrotron radiation centers. Supports are also provided to encourage students to attend international workshops and meetings relevant to their research. Research for undergraduate students is also generously funded by NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program


The Office of Undergraduate Research recommends that you attend an info session or advising before contacting faculty members or project contacts about research opportunities. We'll cover the steps to get involved, tips for contacting faculty, funding possibilities, and options for course credit. Once you have attended an Office of Undergraduate Research info session or spoken to an advisor, you can use the "Who to contact" details for this project to get in touch with the project leader and express your interest in getting involved.

Have you tried contacting professors and need more help? Schedule an appointment for additional support.