Spanish Creative Non Fiction

This project is ongoing.

Teaching through a creative activity makes students own their project, the reading and the process of writing. This course of creative non-fiction enabled students to tell stories --some of them very intimate- in a language which is not theirs. The challenge was bigger, and so was the accomplishment.


Any student who is pursuing a Minor or a Major in Spanish.
The student will choose the research project or the story she/he wants to tell a story, to do research on a topic of their choice. To take this course, students have to have completed the requirements for the MINOR of MAJOR

Typical Time Commitment
one semester when the course is offered
Desired Length of Commitment
one semester


The Office of Undergraduate Research recommends that you attend an info session or advising before contacting faculty members or project contacts about research opportunities. We'll cover the steps to get involved, tips for contacting faculty, funding possibilities, and options for course credit. Once you have attended an Office of Undergraduate Research info session or spoken to an advisor, you can use the "Who to contact" details for this project to get in touch with the project leader and express your interest in getting involved.

Have you tried contacting professors and need more help? Schedule an appointment for additional support.