Texas Education Consortium for Male Students of Color

This project is ongoing.

The Texas Education Consortium for Male Students of Color (The “Consortium”) officially launched in 2013, supported by grant awards from the Greater Texas Foundation (GTF), the Trelis Foundation (formerly TG), the Kresge Foundation, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The Consortium focuses on improving educational outcomes for Latino and African American male students by connecting partners across educational sectors (i.e. independent school districts, 2-year colleges, and 4-year institutions). Our Consortium member institutions are part of a statewide learning community that is committed to implementing and sustaining effective policies, programs, and practices focused on increasing individual success and post-secondary completion for male students of color.

The Consortium is headquartered at the University of Texas at Austin (in the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement), and it is led by Dr. Victor B. Sáenz (Associate Professor & Executive Director) and Dr. Emmet Campos (Director). Our Consortium work is managed jointly through a collaboration with researchers at Texas A&M University, led by Consortium co-founder, Dr. Luis Ponjuán, Associate Professor.

Consortium Vision & Objectives
Vision: Advancing equitable educational outcomes for male students of color at the local, state, and national level.

The Texas Education Consortium for Male Students of Color (The “Consortium”) partners across educational sectors (i.e. independent school districts, 2-year colleges, and 4-year institutions) to implement and sustain effective policies, programs, and practices focused on increasing individual success and post-secondary completion for male students of color.

Core Values:
The Consortium is committed to the following:

-Student Empowerment: Valuing student voices, perspectives, and experiences of males of color and their communities, which we define as Latino, Black, African American, Asian American and Pacific Islander, and Native American
-Collective Knowledge: Leveraging collective knowledge, collaboration, and expertise across sectors who support education
-Culture of Evidence: Creating new knowledge around male students of color through empirical evidence with an asset-based approach
-Educational Achievement: Committing to post-secondary educational completion as a means for success
-Scale and Sustainability: Institutionalizing system-wide equity for male students of color

Goals and Objectives
In conjunction with the leadership of the Consortium Advisory Council, the following are the proposed goals for the Consortium: (1) Cultivate and sustain a state-wide P-16 educational professional learning community focused on male students of color across educational sectors (i.e. independent school districts, 2-year colleges, and 4-year institutions); (2) provide development and capacity building for Consortium member institutions in their efforts to serve male students of color; and (3) establish leading research center on Latino males to disseminate research findings and best practices at the local, state, and national level.


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