Long-term, highly accurate in situ observations of the ocean climate components, both physical and biogeochemical, are essential, in conjunction with observations collected by other means and with complementary sampling strategies, so that climate and associated biogeochemical changes can be tracked with enough parameters and spatial coverage to constrain state estimation and inform predictive modeling of Earth's climate.
The main mission of the US GO-SHIP program is to provide global measurements of the highest required accuracy, covering the ocean basins from coast to coast and top to bottom, with approximately decadal resolution of the changes in inventories of heat, freshwater, carbon, oxygen, nutrients and transient tracers.
My primary role in the program is to measure transient tracers (SF6 and chlorofluorocarbons) to better understand the ocean circulation, ventilation and mixing processes and their changes in global and decadal scales, and to provide meaningful data to the physical oceanography, carbon chemistry and modeling groups for their own research to answer a big picture question on ocean and climate changes.
* Current UT Austin undergraduate students (sophomore/junior/senior) with good academic standing
[Position 1]
* Proficient in Matlab software (required)
* Familiar with data processing/analysis
* Familiar with Linux (plus)
* Basic knowledge and interest in marine science (plus)
[Position 2]
* Proficient in Linux (Ubuntu or Fedora Core)
* Interested in interfacing instruments with Linux-based programs
* Interested in marine science applications (plus)
student positions in the Min lab: July 2023 - December 2023 (can be extended depending on performance)
1. Data analysis
2. Linux / Instrument interface
[Position 1]
* Analysis of oceanographic data by using Matlab programs
* Generating various data outputs and graphics per PI's needs
[Position 2]
* Maintain the Linux-based computers in the lab
* Manage the Linux-based instrument operating programs