Results for "Asian Studies"
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Anthropology; Gender Studies; South Asia; Globalization
Critical development, expatriate communities, tourism, social theory, global labor and gender, bureaucracy, entrepreneurialism, social aspects of…
Chinese language, translation, social and personality psychology
A student of modern Japanese literature and thought with interests in close reading, film, visual culture, economics, and critical theory, Hurley’s research considers literature and politics in midcentury America,…
Islam in South Asia, Urdu language and literature, aesthetics in South Asia and the Middle East
Classical Chinese poetry and poetics, Classical Chinese and medieval Chinese literature and literary theory
History of the Chinese writing system, Pre-modern Chinese history
Translation practices
South & Southeast Asian art history & Buddhist art
Modern Chinese history; Contemporary Chinese economy, society, and politics; imperial China; gender and family; agrarian studies; Chinese culture and religions; and comparative studies of development and…