Results for "Biology Instruction Office"
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Molecular Microbiology, Bacterial Pathogenesis, Host / Microbe Interface, Infectious Diseases Our laboratory examines relationship between the Legionnaires' disease bacterium and environmental host protozoa, and how…
Active learning in STEM education and tutoring
Marina is an evolutionary behavioral ecologist who utilizes a social information framework to understand behavioral variation in populations. She conducted her doctoral research at Rice University in the Saltz Lab,…
I am interested in the distribution and natural history of Texas reptiles and amphibians. Current projects focus on urban populations of blotched watersnakes, populations of yellow mud turtles in far west Texas, and…
Acoustic communication primarily in amphibians.
The following are the areas of my interest in research.
1. Environmental sustainability in improving water use through rainwater collection systems, modular aeroponics, and vertical farming.