Results for "Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering"
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Water Resources Engineering; Hydrological connectivity; network theory; transport on river networks and deltas; coastal restoration; Lidar and satellite imagery analysis; hydrological and geomorphic processes;…
Pavement Preservation; Materials, design and management; Pavement Management Systems; Probability and Statistics; Applied Econometrics; Transportation Infrastructure Management.
Earthquake engineering; seismic response of earth structures; solid-waste landfills; liquefaction evaluation
Area of Expertise: Geotechnical Engineering
Structural health monitoring, non-destructive evaluation, resilience of structural systems subject to earthquakes, ultrasonic sensing methods for smart structures, wave propagation in solids, digital signal…
Saleh’s research has three thrust areas that he calls the 3Es; i.e., Evaluate, Engage, and Engineer. Over the past decade he has focused on safe development of nano-enabled treatment technologies, that are socially…
Dr. Sela's research interests are in the field of intelligent urban water systems involving optimal design and operation, fault diagnostic and prediction, resilient networks, and advanced analytics to make more…
Treatment processes for hazardous organic chemicals including biodegradation and adsorption; drinking water treatment; computer models of treatment processes
Geotechnical earthquake engineering and soil dynamics; non-destructive testing of pavements, soils and structures; offshore geotechnical engineering