Results for "Human Development and Family Sciences"
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Dr. Anderson specializes in the adjustment of children and families to parental divorce and remarriage. His interests include understanding how divorced parents' dating and repartnering affects children and…
My research focuses on understanding how infants, toddlers and school-age children acquire their language(s). I am especially interested in why some children can become proficient bilinguals, while others seem to…
My substantive research interests center on the development of low-income and race/ethnic minority youth, investigating how social contexts influence school transitions, experiences of marginalization, and…
Professor Crosnoe's main research area is the educational success and healthy development of children, adolescents, and young adults in the U.S. Drawing on both quantitative and qualitative methods, he studies the…
She studies adult development and old age. She has conducted research and published numerous scholarly articles on positive and negative emotions in family relationships throughout adulthood. Her work has examined…
Dr. Gershoff's research interests center on four topics: (1) how parental discipline affects child and youth development; (2) how contexts of poverty, neighborhoods, schools, and cultures affect children, youth, and…
Marci Gleason’s research focuses on how transitions or stressful contexts influence both individual and relationship processes. Currently she is investigating the role of social support in regulating emotion, health…
Dr. Sae Han is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Development and Family Sciences. His research interest is Social Determinants of Aging, Health, and Mortality:
• Couple dynamics, health behaviors…