Results for "Mechanical Engineering"
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- Computational Nanotechnology (Nanofluidics, NEMS, and Bio-Nano)
- Computational Physics, Soft Matter
- Computational Microtechnology (MEMS, Bio-MEMS, and Microfluidics)
- Computational…
Thermal/energy systems
Thermal management
Materials and micro/nanofabrication
Phase change heat transfer
Oil & gas flow assurance
Dr. Bard's research centers on (1) the development of efficient algorithms for problems related to airline operations, vehicle routing, and machine scheduling; (2) the design and analysis of manufacturing…
Dr. Beaman's specific manufacturing research interest is in Solid Freeform Fabrication, a manufacturing technology that produces freeform solid objects directly from a computer model of the object without part-…
- Ultra-high speed nonlinear microscopy for brain imaging
- 3D imaging flow cytometry at million frames per second
- Two-photon fluorescence endoscopy for cancer diagnosis
- Ultrafast…
Dr. Roland Benke performs privately funded research at the J.J. Pickle Research Campus and is engaged with startups developing new sensors for hazardous material detection and conducting government-funded research.…
The theory and practice of decision making under uncertainty (decision and risk analysis), modeling probabilistic dependence, probability assessment, value of information, personal and organizational risk preference…
Parallel Algorithms for Data Analysis and Simulation Group - Director
Center for Cardiovascular Simulation - Faculty Member