My research program examines the role of technology (e.g., mobile phones, artificial intelligence, social media) in organizational practices and organizing processes, especially in contexts of work, disaster, and health. My work is regularly externally funded by groups like the NSF, and I've authored over 100 articles and book chapters. My recent books include the award-winning book New Media in Times of Crisis (2019, Routledge), and the two-time, award-winning book Negotiating Control: Organizations and Mobile Communication (2018, Oxford University Press). I've published papers with 63
different graduate student co-authors, 15 distinct undergraduate co-authors, and 10 industry/community partner
Keri K Stephens
Research Interests
External Projects
Student Programs and Populations
Typical student contributions to my research
Undergraduate students learn how to conduct qualitative research interviews, code data, and be a part of a research team. Students who speak Spanish and are from Latina(o/e) backgrounds are especially welcome.
Students with some statistical background (including modeling and machine learning) can join teams conducting quantiative research.
Research Units
Where to download my research
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