Results for "Norway"
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Geographical perspectives on media and communication, sense of place in the digital era, digital media and self, digital surveillance and ways of disconnecting, nationalism, discourses about environment and climate,…
Criminal justice policy, prisons and prison reform, juvenile justice, human and civil rights
Keywords: bioethics, artificial intelligence
Publications: Over 80 sole-authored articles and 6 books. Work has been translated into German, Portuguese,…
Gothic and global Gothic literature, Modern Hebrew literature, American Jewish literature, comparative literature
Perinatal Nursing Global Health International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) related research Interdisciplinary lactation support and community perinatal education Marginalized populations Entry to…
The complex relationships, from cultural to environmental, of buildings and landscapes. Basically, how buildings create landscapes.
Architecture, and the relationship of natural landscapes and sustainable…
My chief research interests are persuasion, deception, and prejudice in interpersonal communication. In particular, I study the important role of language in all of these processes. My students and I have studied…