Results for "Government"
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Jeffrey Abramson is Professor of Law and Government and teaches in the areas of constitutional law, civil liberties, the jury, and political theory. He is the author of We, the Jury: the Jury System and the Ideal of…
American Politics; Political Psychology; Public Opinion
Non-western political warfare, Soviet and Russian propaganda, Soviet and Russian influence and psychological operations, "weaponization of information" and cognitive hacking, elite and mass cognitive resilience,…
United States during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
The role of the law and courts in supporting or extending the rights associated with democracy; Latin America; constitutional change and constitutional justice in the region; the judicial response to police violence…
comparative politics in the developing world, with an emphasis on the Middle East and questions of domestically-driven regime change; the impact of ruling parties in maintaining authoritarianism and preventing…
Professor Budziszewski specializes in political philosophy, ethical philosophy, legal philosophy, and the interaction of religion with philosophy. Among his research interests are classical natural law, virtue ethics…
International Relations, International Organizations, International Political Economy, International Security and Conflict, Game Theory