Results for "Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies"
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Professor Ainslie’s scholarship explores communities in the United States and Mexico distressed by violence, ethnic/racial tension, and social transformation, including an interest in the relationship between social…
International reporting; media, journalism and press freedom in Latin America; digital journalism; media innovation and entrepreneurship;
I am particularly interested in modeling how LUCC manifests spatially using a combination of quantitative tools such as econometrics, geographic information systems, computer simulations, and remote sensing. I spend…
Afro-Diasporic literatures and cultures, comparative Caribbean Studies, Latin American and Caribbean literatures and cultures from the 1800s to the present,intersectionality and critical race theories, feminist and…
Paleoenvironmental Change, Water Resources Management, Hydrology and Water Quality, Geoarchaeology, Fluvial Geomorphology, Gender and Science, Science and Human Rights, Spatial Statistics and GIScience.
Geoarchaeology, Soil Geomorphology, Environmental Science, Climate Change, and Paleoenvironments of the Maya World and Mediterranean
Latino images in film; Mexican cinema; visual culture; film studies; film history; film theory and criticism
Dual language instruction, native language expansion, bilingual education teacher preparation