Results for "Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies"
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As a plant systematist, Dr. Panero is interested in the distribution, diversity, and evolution of flowering plants. His research focuses on the elucidation of phylogenetic relationships among Neotropical members of…
Joseph Potter's interests lie in the areas of reproductive health, population and development, and demographic estimation. Together with Carl Schmertmann, Renato Assunção, and Suzana Cavenaghi, he has been…
History of Science Environmental History US and Caribbean 19th and 20th century American science Transnational connections of science in the US with Latin American and European science
Hydrogeomorphology Understanding the linkages between geomorphic processes and biogeochemical cycles.
Mexican politics and public policy; women and public policy; women in Latin America; policy development; theory of public policy
Archaeology; history; ethnohistory; Mesoamerica; the Spanish empire in Latin America; Mexico; Puerto Rico; archaeometry (INAA and LA-ICP-MS); colonialism; religious conversion; and food
- Luso-Brazilian literatures and cultures. - Labor studies, care work, and servitude in Brazil. - Migraton and inter-diasporic relations; Medical Humanities. - Critical race, whiteness and gender theories. -…