Results for "Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies"
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industrial organization, intellectual property rights, tariffs, international finance
His research interests include the optimal number of lawyers for the U.S. economy, biological models of human economic…
History of science and mathematics, Einstein, historical myths in science, notions of race, political news media.
Latin American Colonial Literatures and Cultures with an emphasis on Mexican and Indigenous Studies; Nahuatl Studies; Indigenous Intellectualisms and Literacies.
Social anthropology; ethnicity, critical race theory, legal anthropology, history and oral traditions, US/Mexican culture; Latin America; Mexico
Socio-Cultural Theory/Psychoanalysis/Urban Studies/Gender Studies/Queer Theory/Middle East and North Africa Sofian Merabet is a socio-cultural anthropologist with an expertise in the modern Middle East and the wider…
Architectural Design, Urban Design, Mexican Architecture, the role of architects in shaping cities in the US and abroad
Spanish syntax and applied linguistics, with a particular interest in the behavior of pronominal clitics. Professor Nishida has published on such topics as the reflexive clitic se and eventualities, the second-…
Dr. Padilla investigates racial and ethnic disparities in health and well-being in the United States, particularly among Latino populations. Her research examines the consequences of poverty for Latino children and…