Results for "Américo Paredes Center for Cultural Studies"
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Gender, Sexuality, Health, Development, Labor History, Political Economy; Post-Colonialism;
Urban Social Histories, Popular Culture, Historiography, Memory, Liberalism, Middle
East; South…
Latino images in film; Mexican cinema; visual culture; film studies; film history; film theory and criticism
Professor Campbell's research has most recently been concerned with the realm of ethnographic and documentary images. The research and visual experiments that he undertakes explore the possibility for failed, defaced…
Anthropology of science (comparative study of genomics research in the U.S. and Mexico); ethnography of race (theories, methods, and practice, with an attention to cultural articulations of whiteness); American…
Impacts of technology on society, particularly the role of technology in shaping communication; societal impacts of cell phones; societal impacts of nanotechnology; the role of language and other semiotic systems in…
Anthropology and expressive culture, including music, theatre, and literature; language and culture; postcoloniality; Java and Bali (Indonesia), and Burma.
Dr. Keeler is interested in the ways that people in the…
Social anthropology; ethnicity, critical race theory, legal anthropology, history and oral traditions, US/Mexican culture; Latin America; Mexico
Cultural generativity, affect, ordinary life, public culture, political imaginaries, ethnographic writing, narrative, ethnopoetics, post-structuralism, U.S. popular culture, Appalachia, Las Vegas.