Results for "Center for Middle Eastern Studies"
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Modern Islamic history; Shi'i symbols and rituals in modern Iran; modern Iranian history; Shi'ism; Islamic rituals; social and cultural history; religious and political discourses; historiography;…
Learning Arabic Language.
Gender, Sexuality, Health, Development, Labor History, Political Economy; Post-Colonialism;
Urban Social Histories, Popular Culture, Historiography, Memory, Liberalism, Middle
East; South…
Islamic Law
Islamic Ethics
Middle Eastern Law
Islam and Politics
Ottoman Empire
Gender and women's rights; political sociology; social movements; Middle East; colonialism; comparative historical methodology; globalization.
Systems analysis, environmental and energy policy, nonprofit management, sustainable development in international river basins, evaluation of energy and water conservation programs, prevention of pollution
Gothic and global Gothic literature, Modern Hebrew literature, American Jewish literature, comparative literature
International Medieval cultures, literatures, and histories; Medieval romance; Medieval English literature; the Crusades; Chaucer; Arthurian literature; feminist, race, and cultural theories