Results for "Medieval Studies Program"
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Renaissance Italy. The History of the Individual from Antiquity to the Modern World. Translating Italian Renaissance masterpieces into English.
Old English language and literature, history of the English language, Medieval manuscripts, Germanic philology
I teach and write about medieval and early modern intellectual and religious history, with an emphasis on the Italian Renaissance. I also work on the book history between manuscript and print, and the reception of…
Medieval and Renaissance Spanish Literature, Comparative literature, literary theory, cultural theory, film studies
International Medieval cultures, literatures, and histories; Medieval romance; Medieval English literature; the Crusades; Chaucer; Arthurian literature; feminist, race, and cultural theories
Old French language and literature and Arthurian studies
digital archives, digital editions, editing in Medieval English, Medieval reading practices, philanthropy and non-profits, social justice, drama and performing arts
Gregorian chant, medieval music theory, tropes, Santiago de Compostela, music iconography, manuscript studies, music and medievalism.