Results for "LBJ School of Public Affairs"
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Gordon Abner is an assistant professor at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin. He received a joint Ph.D. in Public Policy from Indiana University-Bloomington, and his primary…
Non-western political warfare, Soviet and Russian propaganda, Soviet and Russian influence and psychological operations, "weaponization of information" and cognitive hacking, elite and mass cognitive resilience,…
Research Areas: Climate Change Adaptation, Environmental Governance, Governing/Managing Public and Civic Affairs
Professor Biller's fields of interest include public policy…
Dr. Carleton is the Executive Director of the Center for American History. His focus is on 20th century U.S. political and news media history as well as Texas history.
Criminal justice policy, prisons and prison reform, juvenile justice, human and civil rights
Systems analysis, environmental and energy policy, nonprofit management, sustainable development in international river basins, evaluation of energy and water conservation programs, prevention of pollution
Dr. Fabregas is a development economist, working on issues around education and information interventions. Her current research explores constraints on learning and the accumulation of human capital in developing…
Urban affairs and planning, and state and local government and finance including local governments and legislatures
Technology Policy including artificial intelligence and machine learning, social media, and…