Results for "LBJ School of Public Affairs"
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Her work focuses on East Asia, American national security and authoritarian politics and foreign policy. Greitens is currently working on two main research projects: one on China’s internal security policies and…
International relations, ethnic conflict, military intervention, peaceful conflict management, nuclear nonproliferation, national security.
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I am an assistant professor in the UT Austin School of…
His research interests include: Civil society sectors in authoritarian countries; Intellectual growth in nonprofit and philanthropic studies; Computational social science methods.
Jeffery R. Patterson is a lecturer in strategic communication, corporate political activity, Texas government and Issues in American politics and policy at the University of Texas at Austin. He earned is doctorate in…
James "Paul" Pope is a professor of practice in the LBJ School of Public Affairs and a senior fellow in the Intelligence Studies Project, which is sponsored by…
Professor Reyes is the Director of the UT-Austin Education Research Center which is a virtual research center dedicated to helping state policymakers evaluate or analyze education policies. As a social scientist, Dr…