Results for "School of Social Work"
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Dr. Ahonle primary areas of research interest include, community re-integration (i.e. competitive employment and post-school outcomes) for individuals with disabilities, including veterans with PTSD and TBI; and post…
Clinical interventions with individuals, couples, and families; Clinical supervision; Cross Cultural supervision; Professional ethics and boundaries; Restorative justice; Research on families of homicide victims;…
Professor Beer has experience working with children and youth ages 4-20 and practices primarily from a solution-focused approach. She also has experience with cognitive behavioral, motivational interviewing, sand…
violence against women and children; social and public policy; social justice; international social work education, training and practice; adoption and child welfare issues
Ethnic-racial identity in preschool and elementary school children; prevention of behavior problems and promotion of socioemotional and academic functioning in young children from minoritized communities; role of…
Development, evaluation, and dissemination of interventions for health risk behaviors; effects of cultural factors, gender, and race/ethnicity on health behavior; Latino health; psychometrics.
Mental health and mental health service access and utilization among older adults; Tele-delivered depression treatment and evaluation for low-income homebound older adults; Suicide in late life; Older adults’…
I am a mental health services researcher who is specifically interested in how mental health policy and evidenced-based programming is diffused throughout agencies and to individuals served. I focus on community…