Border Circuits: Latina/o/e Digital Labor since 1965

This project is closed. No applications are allowed.

Border Circuits is a project that examines the history and politics of electronics manufacturing in the US-México borderlands since 1965. The urban fabric of northern Mexican cities was transformed as government-enacted initiatives redrew territories and brought new industries to produce innovative technology. Mexican and Indigenous women who worked in electronics were at the forefront of living with and against the digital economy—its opportunities, its injustices, and its toxicities. Through an intersectional lens, inquiries of human-machine configurations, archival research, and discourse analysis, the project shows the integral role of Latina/o/es and of the borderlands as invisible infrastructures of the contemporary world.

This project will be developed through the Border Tech Lab, an interdisciplinary research collective including a primary investigator, graduate and undergraduate students, and other collaborators. Members of the BTL work collaboratively to produce new understandings on the fabrication and reproduction of inequities in digital platforms across time and space. Lab members pursue original research and work that contributes to public knowledge and to the communities whose experiences are at the heart of what we study.


The PI is recruiting curious, motivated, and inquisitive undergraduate students interested in joining a research lab devoted to the study of science, technology, and society (STS).

Having experience in academic research is desired but not required.

Writing and oral proficiency in Spanish is desired but not required.

There are no course prerequisites. Preference will be given to candidates who have taken classes about digital media, STS, and history of science and technology such as AMS 370 "Art & Data in the Digital," AMS 370 "Technologies of Displacement and Resistance," AMS 321/SOC322 "Race, Gender, & Surveillance," MAS 319 "Latinx Digital Worlds," and J 355G "The Information Society."

Project Timeline

Spring 2023-Fall 2024 - Primary and secondary source research

Summer 2023-Fall 2023 - Oral history interviews

Fall 2023-Fall 2024 - Workshop book chapter manuscripts


As an undergraduate research assistant, students will conduct a range of research tasks, read assigned materials relevant to the field of STS, develop lab materials, workshop manuscripts, and discuss their research and relevant materials in weekly lab meetings (lasting 1.5 hours).

Lab members have the opportunity to develop their own research projects and work closely with the PI, graduate and undergraduate students, and other collaborators.

Students can join the BTL for course credit or pay.

Typical Time Commitment
10 hours per week
Desired Length of Commitment
At least 4 semesters


The Office of Undergraduate Research recommends that you attend an info session or advising before contacting faculty members or project contacts about research opportunities. We'll cover the steps to get involved, tips for contacting faculty, funding possibilities, and options for course credit. Once you have attended an Office of Undergraduate Research info session or spoken to an advisor, you can use the "Who to contact" details for this project to get in touch with the project leader and express your interest in getting involved.

Have you tried contacting professors and need more help? Schedule an appointment for additional support.