Results for "urban studies"
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Geographical perspectives on media and communication, sense of place in the digital era, digital media and self, digital surveillance and ways of disconnecting, nationalism, discourses about environment and climate,…
Gender, Sexuality, Health, Development, Labor History, Political Economy; Post-Colonialism;
Urban Social Histories, Popular Culture, Historiography, Memory, Liberalism, Middle
East; South…
Theory of Economic Value, Cyberspace and virtual realities. Depth and evolution; realism; spatial perception; the impact of the information age on architecture; Philosophy and Spirituality as manifest in architecture…
Transportation Engineering Travel demand modeling; activity and travel behavior analysis; application of econometric; discrete choice and market research techniques in transportation planning; traffic flow theory and…
Architecture and feminism; affordable housing design; architects' contribution to the community
Reporting/still documentary photography and video-Creative Activities-- Exhibitions, Publications and Invited Lectures on topics: Salvadoran Civil War 1980s; spread of LA gangs--Central America; urban youth violence…
Systems analysis, environmental and energy policy, nonprofit management, sustainable development in international river basins, evaluation of energy and water conservation programs, prevention of pollution
Dr. George Flaherty is Associate Professor of Art History and Director of the Center for Latin American Visual Studies (CLAVIS). His research and teaching focus primarily on modern and contemporary art and…