Results for "urban studies"
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American Politics American Presidency Urban Politics
regional economic development, regional growth dynamics, program evaluation methodologies, affordable housing policy
Critical Urban Studies in East Asia; Coloniality and Decolonization; Development and Social Movement; Media, Tourism and Place; Korean Popular Culture
Korean culture and history, Objects/space/place, History of anthropology
Dr. Osborne's teaching and research interests are in the areas of social policy, poverty and inequality, family and child well-being, family demography, and school entry among disadvantaged children.
Sound, cities, atmosphere, weather, clouds, infrastructure, experimental ethnography, critical and social theory, North America
inhabitation and occupation within the context of boundless space; how specific cultural and constructional demands influence design processes; the role and appropriateness of various techniques of precision as…
Innovative uses of materials and building materials including creative explorations, in particular, in the use of steel, glass, stone, and other masonry products; alternative patterns of suburban development based on…