Results for "bacteria"
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I primarily use genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics to understand how microbial communities persist in nature. My group primarily focused on the microbial ecology of marine sediments and the deep sea. We also…
The Barrick lab studies evolution in action using experiments with bacteria, molecules, and digital organisms. We are interested in understanding how mutations that affect different cellular processes can promote and…
Molecular Microbiology, Bacterial Pathogenesis, Host / Microbe Interface, Infectious Diseases Our laboratory examines relationship between the Legionnaires' disease bacterium and environmental host protozoa, and how…
The Ellington lab is primarily interested in high-throughput synthetic biology methods for the development of diagnostics and therapeutics. During the pandemic, we developed a wide variety of diagnostic assays that…
Our current projects are in the areas of infectious disease, cancer, and cardiovascular / pulmonary health. We are guided by a broad curiosity about how enzymes work and how we can manipulate their functions. In most…
Bioorganic Chemistry
DNA Binding Molecules
Antibody Engineering and Antibody Engineering Technology Development
Enzyme Engineering and Enzyme Engineering Technology Development
Polyketide synthases
Drug discovery
Protein crystallography
Organic synthesis
Examining the relationships between environmental exposures (microorganisms, allergens and chemicals), human health and the built environment, Microbiome of the built environment (e.g., schools, homes), Development…