Results for "Chemistry and Biochemistry"
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Our reserach focuses on engineering biology to produce biomolecules, biofuels, and pharmaceuticals using the tools of metabolic engineering and synthetic biology. The overall goal of metabolic and cellular…
Synthetic organic chemistry, molecular recognition; development of novel synthetic receptors for monitoring and quantitation of herbicides and insecticides in water (in collaboration with Jonathan Sessler);…
Metabolic organization and mitochondrial biology
My laboratory studies the organization and regulation of metabolic pathways in eukaryotes. Eukaryotic cells are composed of many different compartments, such as…
Research in the Baiz group focuses on describing the molecular mechanisms that determine the structure and dynamics of membrane-associated peptides and proteins.
Analytical chemistry and electrochemistry: Dr. Bard's group works on the application of electrochemical methods to chemical problems. They are particularly interested in elucidating the behavior and properties of…
The Barrick lab studies evolution in action using experiments with bacteria, molecules, and digital organisms. We are interested in understanding how mutations that affect different cellular processes can promote and…
Virtual Drug Screening for inhibitors of enzymes from bacterial and protozoan parasites involved in infectious diseases.
We have need in 2023 for motivated undergraduate research volunteers interested in becoming proficient in and implementing laboratory techniques for fatty acid analysis and for related molecular biology/genetics.…