Results for "mechanical engineering"


COMSOL Multiphysics simulations of microscale devices - paid position

Project Lead:

We are looking for a research assistant to perform multi-physics simulations of micro-scale phenomena and devices using COMSOL Multi-physics. Simulations will flow, heat, sorption, swelling, and mechanical properties…

Evaluation of Bioderived Ionic Liquids as Novel Lubricant Additives

Project Lead:

The need to minimize greenhouse gas emissions, ensure energy security, and improve industrial output and competitiveness, have created a growing demand for engineering systems and functional materials with…

In silico heart modeling at the Center of Cardiovascular Simulation


We are developing a computational biomechanical framework for image based patient-specific analysis and medical device prototyping.

Briefly, our in silico heart model is composed of:
(1) high quality…