Results for "Costa Rica"
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I study patterns of geographic variation among populations to understand evolutionary processes such as local adaptation, population divergence, and speciation. My research combines aspects of ecology, evolution,…
Professor Dulitzky is a leading expert in human rights in Latin America, particularly on the inter-American human rights system and enforced disappearances. He has published extensively on human rights, the inter-…
Dr. Gilbert's current research ranges from the analysis of coevolved traits of insects and plants to experimental population dynamics and developmental genetics of mimetic color patterns in Heliconius…
Human brain research in neuroscience, psychobiology, neurocognitive enhancement, learning and memory, brain stimulation, photobiomodulation, cognitive aging, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, bipolar disorder, ADHD,…
Culture and Power in the Black Diaspora; Critical Gender Studies (particularly Black men); Critical Race Theory; Race Education; Racial Economy of Space and Resources; Race Gender and Commemoration
Latin American Architecture and Urbanism, Dissemination of Architectural Knowledge, Informal Settlements
The focus of my research and teaching is intercultural adaptation. I have developed a suite of materials that guide students in understanding their own cultural orientations and identifying the cultural tendencies of…