Results for "Pharmacology and Toxicology"
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Dr. DiGiovanni is a recognized expert in the field of chemical carcinogenesis and particularly multistage carcinogenesis using the mouse skin model. His research accomplishments have spanned the fields of metabolism…
Neural regulation of motivated behaviors, especially mating; sexual behavior as a prototypic model for understanding motivation and its associated disorders; neuroendocrinological factors of depression and addiction…
For Spring 2020-2021, the focus of our research is to develop a software analyses program that will automate tabulation and categorization of ultrasonic vocalization (USV) data. USVs have been used as a direct…
The Fonken lab investigates neuroimmune interactions during brain development and aging, with a focus on behavioral outcomes. We are particularly interested in how environmental perturbations alter the function of…
Human brain research in neuroscience, psychobiology, neurocognitive enhancement, learning and memory, brain stimulation, photobiomodulation, cognitive aging, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, bipolar disorder, ADHD,…
Work in the Gore Laboratory focuses on effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on the neuroendocrine control of reproduction and behavior. Current research in a rat model seeks to understand how prenatal…
Genome instability, DNA repair, G4 DNA, transcriptional regulation.