Results for "Neuroscience"
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Cellular, molecular and developmental neurobiology Rapid, artificially induced regeneration of severed mammalian peripheral axons Cellular mechanisms/biochemical pathways that seal plasmalemmal damage
I am a physician-scientist specializing in Child Neurology and neuroscience. I study the neural mechanisms underlying the core features of autism spectrum disorder and related neurodevelopmental conditions. My goal…
Brain rhythms reflect synchronized activity across many neurons and thus provide a means for studying how groups of neurons coordinate their activity during complex cognitive functions such as learning. My work uses…
Dr. Davis’s research focuses on designing and disseminating nutrition, physical activity, and behavioral interventions to reduce obesity and related metabolic disorders in overweight minority children and adolescents…
Neural circuits and substrates underlying opioid and cocaine abuse.
The Dobbs lab takes a systems-level approach to identify the neural substrates, circuits and behavioral motivations driving substance…
Memory enables us to use past experience to anticipate and prepare for future challenges. But memories can only be used adaptively if they are retrieved at the right time and place. For instance, memories…
Research in our lab focuses on how emotion and cognition interact to determine how we learn about and remember important events. Some research questions include (1) how do we generalize from past emotional…