Results for "African and African Diaspora Studies"
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Dr. Yasmiyn Irizarry is quantitative sociologist by training with research interests in (1) sociology of education, (2) race and ethnicity, (3) sexuality and queer studies, (4) social inequality, and (5)…
Development and Underdevelopment in Brazil, Latin America, and Developing Countries; Racial Inequality; Affirmative Action; Quantitative Methods Applied to Race and Ethnic Injustice; Labor Market; Public Policies…
African Diaspora
Ancient and modern political theory, the history of political thought, 20th century political and social thought, African American political thought; current research focuses on political evil, democratic theory, and…
Chelsi West Ohueri is an assistant professor of Slavic and Eurasian Studies. She is a trained sociocultural anthropologist, and her research interests include race and racialization, identity and belonging, Romani…
African Arts and Diaspora visual cultures; Nigerian Art; and Yoruba forms in American Art
Higher Education; Faculty Diversity; Student Diversity; African-Americans in Higher Education; African-American Families; Mentoring in Higher Education