Results for "College of Liberal Arts"
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Surveillance, Copyright, Gender, Education, Communications, Design, Politics -- Dr. Doty's particular areas of research and teaching expertise are copyright, surveillance, privacy, federal information policy,…
Julia Driver is Professor of Philosophy at University of Texas at Austin. She is the author of Uneasy Virtue, Consequentialism, and Ethics: The Fundamentals, as well as many articles in ethics and moral psychology.…
My research concerns our attitudes: beliefs, desires, hopes, fears, regrets, and many others. I'm particularly interested in their conceptual structure, and especially in generalizations that divide the attitudes…
Dr. Duarte's research interests are primarily in episodic memory, which is long-term memory for personally experienced events, across the adult lifespan. Her lab explores the individual difference factors like sleep…
His research agenda focuses on policy change, asking why some policies persist - remaining the status quo for decades - while others undergo frequent adjustments. In particular, he is interested in measuring the…
medical humanities, psychoanalysis, environmental humanities, modern Italian literature, history of science and technology, science and technology studies, Italian fascism, gender and sexuality studies, cultural…