Results for "Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences"
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Volcanology, volcanic eruption processes, magmatic processes, experimental petrology, volatiles in magmas, degassing of volatiles from magmas, control of degassing behavior on volcanic eruptions and formation of ore…
Dr. Ghattas' interests are in forward and inverse modeling, and optimal design and control, of complex systems in the geophysical, mechanical, and biomedical engineering sciences, with particular emphasis on…
Broadly, my scientific interests center on the role of surface processes in controlling the evolution of planetary landscapes. Our group's research focuses on the use of remote sensing data (e.g., images, topography…
General geophysics; seismically imaging the mantle of the earth; developing a three-dimensional image of shear velocity throughout the mantle of the earth; determining the dynamics of flow in the mantle; regional…
Tectonic processes, tectonic-climate interactions and geohazards of convergent margins and transitional tectonic environments
Role of catastrophism in the geologic record including impact cratering, hurricanes…
Ocean dynamics and variability Climate and Earth system modeling Climate predictability and prediction Control methods and estimation theory Adjoint methods for sensitivity and generalized stability analysis…
Dr. Helper retired in 2022 but has a 10 hr. per week appointment with the Jackson School Bureau of Economic Geology as a faculty associate. HIs position there involved field mapping and GIS compilation of the…
Dr. Hesse's research centers on mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of porous media in the earth and environmental sciences. It is motivated by fundamental interest in the dynamics of the underlying…