Results for "Educational Leadership and Policy"
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My interests primarily pertain to (1) college student governance and involvement (e.g., student government, student body presidency, and clubs and organizations, and (2) lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer…
Nexus of urban school reform and socially just community development Ways that urban policy can be leveraged to improve educational outcomes and community development in low-income neighborhoods of color
Holme's research focuses on the politics and implementation of educational policy, with a particular focus on the relationship between school reform, equity, and diversity in schools.
Dr. Jabbar studies the social and political dimensions of market-based reforms in education using mixed methods. Her research interests include: school choice policy, privatization, the politics of research use, and…
Diversity in education, partnerships between education and business, improving education through research, and higher education policy.
College student development, minorities in education, effective college teaching and comprehensive assessment programs in higher education.
Higher education finance; planning and budgeting; business management; institutional research; colleges and universities as social organizations