Results for "Any interested and motivated student, regardless of academic background"
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Her research interests focus on promoting resilience and healthy behaviors among under-served youth and addressing social risk factors (e.g., poverty, adverse childhood experiences) that result in disparate levels of…
Process geomorphology, feedbacks between channel morphology and hydrology and sediment transport, landscape sensitivity to climate and lithology, bedrock river erosion, flash floods, arroyo erosion, canyon formation…
He was one of the first to study the role of the Internet in presidential campaigns during the 1996 election. For the 2004 election be began examining how people used blogs and their role in the campaign. For the…
Topics related to Service-Learning in Spanish courses
Topics related to migration, especially Latin Americans into US and Canada; bilingual education, social services
Professor Josephs studies the risk factors underlying suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
Dr. Jowers directs two major grant projects, including the Texas Initiatives for Children’s Activity & Nutrition (I-CAN!) project, and the Walk Texas! Diabetes Prevention and Control Project. Texas I-CAN! is an…
GIScience, (Geo)Spatial Data Science, GeoAI, Cartography, Urban Computing, Social Sensing
My research mainly focuses on Human-centered Geospatial Data Science to understand human experience at place …
Hebrew Bible (with particular interest in Song of Songs, Daniel, and Jonah), Second Temple Judaism, Dead Sea Scrolls, Rabbinic Judaism, Midrash, Literary Theory