Results for "Any interested and motivated student, regardless of academic background"
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Craniomaxillofacial Surgery outcomes. Ear reconstruction. Alloplastic Cranioplasty. Bone healing in craniofacial surgery. Use of Technology in Acute Facial Trauma.
I study how information systems make things so in the world. That is, how we use information systems to make things true or false, and what we do after we are certain. To study this, I apply a sociotechnical…
Dr. Hayhoe is currently developing a human sensory-motor lab, in collaboration with Dana Ballard in Computer Science, for measuring unconstrained eye, head, and hand movements in the performance of natural tasks, and…
Dr. Helper retired in 2022 but has a 10 hr. per week appointment with the Jackson School Bureau of Economic Geology as a faculty associate. HIs position there involved field mapping and GIS compilation of the…
The research in my lab--the Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism Lab--is broadly focused on how learners acquire languages and on the consequences of bilingualism. More narrowly, we are interested in how…
The complex relationships, from cultural to environmental, of buildings and landscapes. Basically, how buildings create landscapes.
Architecture, and the relationship of natural landscapes and sustainable…
Continental philosophy, aesthetics, philosophy of music, philosophy of emotion, philosophy of religion, bereavement
computer security, web security, hacking, threat intelligence, detection and response, vulnerability discovery