Results for "Students who have already taken classes with this professor"
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The following are the areas of my interest in research.
1. Environmental sustainability in improving water use through rainwater collection systems, modular aeroponics, and vertical farming.
Her research focuses on audit policy with the main objective of helping standard setters and regulators understand the current auditing environment and develop ways to improve auditing. Jaime Schmidt teaches…
Democracy, public participation in government, civic engagement, public engagement, conflict resolution, dispute resolution, consensus building, organizational development, truth and reconciliation, restorative…
His research and teaching are primarily focused on organizational communication, where he examines issues of anonymity and identity/identification in various organizational settings. His current interests center…
Religion in the United States | American evangelicalism | religion and food | religion and secularism | religion and popular culture | religion and social justice |
Dr. Seeman’s interests focus on the music of modern Turkey, the Ottoman Empire, and Southeastern Europe, specializing in Romani (“Gypsy”) communities. She has been conducting field research in Macedonia and…
Synthetic organic chemistry, molecular recognition objectives: design of new ligands to selectively bind actinide cations and anions such as hydroxide for remediation of radioactive wastes. Drug development based on…
American politics; political behavior; public opinion; voting behavior; campaigns and elections; political parties; political communication