Results for "climate change"
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Lucy Atkinson studies persuasive communication (advertising, PR, social media) in the context of the environment, sustainability and climate change. She examines how mass media communicate about these issues and the…
Geoarchaeology, Soil Geomorphology, Environmental Science, Climate Change, and Paleoenvironments of the Maya World and Mediterranean
Dr. Catania's research involves understanding ice sheet and glacier changes both from natural variability and climate forced variability. This involves improving the observational data sets that quantify cyrosphere…
Dr.Farrior's research is motivated by a desire to understand the interacting mechanisms that drive variation in plant communities across environmental gradients. She works to scale across individual-level, community-…
Dr. Charles Jackson is a research scientist at the Institute for Geophysics at The University of Texas at Austin. Charles’ research program concerns the development of computational, statistical, and scientific…
My work critically engages with the practice of transportation planning with the goal of achieving progress towards equity and sustainability. To this end I develop innovative methods for analyzing the performance of…
Native American and Indigenous Health, Health disparities research and health equity, Environmental health and the impact on Native American and Indigenous Populations, Climate change and the impact on Native…
Macroeconomics and long-term trends linking energy and the economy. See Dr. King's book "The Economic Superorganism: Beyond the Competing Narratives on Energy, Growth, and Policy" Energy and renewable energy…