Results for "gender"
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Nineteenth-century British literature, Victorian anthropology and sexology, Darwin and social Darwinism, history of the Church Missionary Society, feminism in imperialism, colonial discourse studies, anglophone…
Reproductive health issues in Latin America and the U.S.-Mexico border, particularly the overuse of cesarean section in Brazil and Mexico, the childbirth and contraceptive experiences of HIV+ women in Brazil, the…
Professor Jones's fields of interest include the history of the U.S. South, and the history of labor and African Americans. She is currently at work on a book on the African-American community in Boston during the…
Dr. Kim studies the intersection of family and cultural contexts in shaping adolescent development. Her focus is on Latino (Mexican American) and Asian American (Chinese) families in the United States. Students with…
* Primate Behavior
* Primate Ecology
* Evolution of Cooperation
* Biological Markets
* Sexual Selection
* Intersexual Conflict
* Wild Lemurs
* Captive Chimpanzees
Victorian novel; women's studies; autobiography; William Makepeace Thackeray; Charles Dickens; Julia Margaret Cameron; Anne Thackeray Ritchie; Annie Besant; Elizabeth Robins; Virginia Woolf
Health communication, health literacy, designing effective and engaging health messages.
Cognitive issues in learning and teaching physical science and astronomy; gender issues in science, engineering, and technology