Results for "literacy"
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Classical Language and Literature; Archaic Greek literature, especially Homeric epic; Formulas and oral aesthetics in early Greek poetry; speech and speech representation in Homeric epic; cognitive theories of…
Nineteenth-century German literature and culture, the German novel, 19th/20th century women writers, feminist aesthetics, nationalism, travel literature, history of the book.
Dual language instruction, native language expansion, bilingual education teacher preparation
Latin American Literature and Film; Inter-American Cultural Studies; Music and Sound Studies
Magazine Writing and Editing, Education, Gospels
Indigenous media and cultures in the Americas, with a focus on the movement of contemporary Mapuche poetry, the role of Indigenous voices on radio as well as the revitalization of Indigenous languages and cultures in…
Jewish studies: history of liturgy, homiletics, Hebrew Bible, Book of Psalms; research practices: argument in academic disciplines, rhetoric of science, technical and professional communication; reading and writing…
Denise Dávila is a children’s literature and literacy education researcher. She works alongside communities to study children’s home, family, and local literacy practices. She investigate opportunities for alignment…